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Code of Practice for DVLA Keeper Data Access by Reliance Security Technologies Ltd.


  • This Code of practice relates to the use by Reliance Security Technologies Ltd its members of vehicle keeper data supplied by DVLA. It governs the conduct and business practices of the organizations in connection with activities relating to the recovery of money owed by motorists who leave a service station without having made full payment for fuel.
  • Reliance Security Technologies Ltd has been granted Accredited Trade Association status by the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) for ‘approved conditional access’ i.e. access to keeper data by member agencies via an electronic link.
  • Regulation 27 of the Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) Regulations 2002, as amended, provides that the Secretary State may make particulars contained in the vehicle register available for use, on payment of a fee, by any person who can show to the satisfaction of the Secretary of State that he has reasonable cause for wanting the particulars to be made available to him.


  •  This Code was produced by Reliance Security Technologies Ltd and approved by the DVLA to record the basis on which DVLA would supply vehicle keeper information to Reliance Security Technologies Ltd.
  • The Code is designed to protect people from misuse of their information and to provide clear and robust complaint procedures where misuse is alleged, while allowing those who do have reasonable cause to get the data they need. In this Code, ‘keeper data’ means information about the keeper of a vehicle registered with DVLA, Swansea.
  • The purpose of the Code is to set guidelines on the use of information provided by the DVLA under Regulations for the purpose. It is intended to address concerns about the release of information for this purpose and to increase public confidence in the arrangements.
  • Reliance Security Technologies Ltd is an independent Limited company and forecourt crime campaigner dedicated to reducing criminal activity on fuel service stations and coordinating civil action in respect of non-payment for transactions by motorists.